About Us

Established in 1952, Redwood Parents Nursery School (RPNS) is a non-profit, parent-education, cooperative preschool in Redwood City.
At RPNS, children have an opportunity to learn through play with a broad selection of hands-on experiences and materials. The children participate in large group, small group, and free play activities with an emphasis on free play. We strive to provide a place where children develop their self-esteem as they participate in an environment that encourages and respects their independence and capabilities in physical, social, and emotional development. We believe this is the foundation for personal success and academic achievement in years to come.
Mission Statement
It is our concern that this program contributes in a vital way to the optimum growth and development of each child; that each parent find understanding and support for self; increased knowledge and understanding about the way children grow and develop; and opportunity to test and practice some of these ideas.
RPNS is a proud member of the San Mateo Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools (SMCPPNS)